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Gregory Reed Travis' interests lie at the intersection of technology and social policy. As a young man he realized that computers had applications far beyond traditional business and scientific uses ("number crunching"). Toward that end, at the age of thirteen, he created the Note social media platform for the Control Data 6600 supercomputer.

Later he was the author of the ISRNIX UNIX distribution for the Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-11 line of computers. He joined NeXT computer in 1988 as a campus liaison and then Data Parallel Systems in 1992 as its Director of Technology. A long career followed with stints as a Vice President for Software Development at Cornerstone Information Systems, Associate Director at the Advanced Network Management Laboratory and, after the passing of Sophia Travis, work towards an IT-enabled patient-centric revolution in the US healthcare industry.

Greg is a 2,500-hour instrument rated pilot who has owned and flown his own plane, a beloved 1979 Cessna 172, since 1990. He and his son, Finnegan (also beloved), regularly travel throughout the country in the plane seeking adventure wherever they find it. They are passionate, also, in using the plane helping distressed animals relocate through the wonderful Pilots 'n Paws organization.

Finnegan and Greg reside in the historic Ketcham House (1850) in Bloomington, Indiana.